By Sheena Roberson

Higher became more than just a concept; it became a mission—a mission to provide a platform where women of color could gather, share experiences, and access the resources needed for success.

Nurturing a Supportive Community

Women of color face unique challenges in the cannabis industry—challenges often overlooked or underestimated. Higher aims to change that. It’s about more than just seminars and networking; it’s about fostering a supportive community where women can uplift each other, collaborate, and thrive. We prioritize discussions on entrepreneurship, investment strategies, and the latest advancements in cannabis science—all with the goal of empowering women to excel in this burgeoning industry.

Health equity is also a driving force behind Higher. We’re committed to leveraging cannabis as a tool for healing and wellness as we acknowledge the systemic disparities that have plagued communities of color for far too long. Workshops and panels at Higher cover the medicinal properties of cannabis, equipping attendees with the knowledge to make informed health decisions. By addressing these disparities head-on, we’re working to ensure that everyone—regardless of race or socioeconomic status—has access to the benefits of cannabis.

The Genesis of Cannabis Noire

Before the inception of Higher, I created Cannabis Noire, a consultancy focusing on educating and empowering people of color in the cannabis industry. Stemming from my own experiences navigating the industry, I recognized the need for a platform that specifically catered to the unique challenges faced by communities of color. Cannabis Noire became that platform—a space where voices that had long been marginalized could finally be heard, valued, and empowered.

As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, so does our commitment to inclusivity and equity. Through initiatives like Cannabis Noire, I’m extending our reach beyond the conference walls, collaborating with local organizations to provide education and resources to those who need them most. Our work isn’t just about changing the industry; it’s about changing lives—breaking down barriers and creating a more just and equitable world.

Cannabis, often stigmatized and criminalized, serves as more than just a commodity in our community. It’s a segue into conversations that are often deemed too uncomfortable or taboo—conversations about systemic inequalities, racial disparities, and the lasting impact of the war on drugs. Cannabis Noire creates the safe spaces these tough conversations can take place, where we can confront the harsh realities of our past and present in order to create a brighter future.

A Movement in the Making My journey in the cannabis industry has been one of discovery, resilience, and unwavering determination. Through Higher, we’re not just creating a conference; we’re building a movement—a movement that empowers women of color to take their rightful place in the industry, to shatter glass ceilings, and to redefine what’s possible. Together, we’re rewriting the narrative, one conference at a time.