Food is such a pillar on which the cannabis community leans, and it can be a really fun way to foster community, conversation, and further advocacy for the plant. Being that a lot of stoner activities involve or require food at some point, most cannabis consumers can tell you about a meal that they had while stoned that was soooo incredible and had a profound impact on their lives. But is it the actual food or the experience shared among individuals? The fact that cannabis enhances the flavors of the food we’re consuming only enriches the dining experience and creates a core memory in our minds.
We’ve all had that one food high that blows our minds, and we are subconsciously chasing that “taste” from whatever meal for the rest of our lives because that particular feast was so profoundly etched into our psyche and attached to this beautiful memory. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the actual food was amazing. Sometimes it has more to do with the company with whom we broke bread and the conversation that followed than the actual food itself.
Now, let’s incorporate infused dining experiences into the conversation. The combination of cannabis and incredible cuisine breeds the same type of energy but elevates it a notch. Gathering with a group of individuals who may or may not know each other, who are interested in food, and who can appreciate flavor profiles takes the dining experience to a whole new level. And isn’t that what we’re all secretly looking for in our lives—people to share experiences with and create lasting core memories with?
The moment the terpenes and cannabinoids begin to work their magic and you take the most scrumptious bite of your life, turn to the person seated next to you and proclaim that to be the most incredible thing you ever had in hopes they are feeling similar. Upon seeing the complete euphoria wash over their face, you smile, knowing you are having similar experiences.
Your tablemate, a mere stranger only hours before, is suddenly the only person in the world who can understand what you are feeling and tasting and could possibly articulate how the terpenes have combined to light up your palettes. It is a truly magical experience that is worth sharing with strangers.
A few years ago, I was invited to my first infused dinner, and it was one I’ll never forget. It happened to coincide with my birthday and the summer solstice, so that added another layer of enchantment. I will never forget that night. It was an evening under the stars with a menu that included a heaping platter of infused pulled BBQ chicken sandwiches, a deliciously bright salad made more unique with pink pineapple, and a unique dessert of infused caramel sauce topping homemade beignets. I can still taste the way the pink pineapple lit up the inside of my mouth while I downed an infused beverage that complemented it perfectly.
The way the food tasted, the laughs that were shared, and the overall joy we felt being outside, stargazing, and sharing this collective experience created food memories to last a lifetime. It wasn’t about how ‘high’ we could get during the meal; it was truly about savoring the flavors and building relationships with those around us at the table.
We discussed every topic imaginable in between courses and genuinely connected with one another in a way that wouldn’t have happened had we just met up for a random dinner at a friend’s house. (Side bar- I’m still in contact with the majority of guests who attended.) We shared a sacred experience together and had our taste buds collectively wowed by the food the chef lovingly prepared for us.
There is something transformational about infused dining experiences that resonates deeply within the soul and stirs up feelings that have often been dormant. They offer a new way to consume cannabis while exchanging personal anecdotes about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. They can be life changing for all who attend.
Food memories are already important, and the addition of cannabis gives us access to a completely different way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with the people and environment around us. To think that it was all brought about by the addition of a few milligrams of THC.