By Amanda Fisher-Katz-Keohane

What does it mean to feel your deliciousness?

Patty Suau works with other women to find that deliciousness–that juiciness–we feel when we are genuinely free to express ourselves creatively and sexually.

Suau is a public speaker, a sensual embodiment coach, and a teacher. She hosts an online “Sensuality Mastermind” course focused on connecting or reconnecting women with their sensuality, releasing shame, healing internal wounds, and building connections and sisterhood.
“Feeling into your delicious self is a context shift,” explains Suau. “I understand what delicious is, and I’m motivated by that deliciousness…I can be that [deliciousness] too. If I were to express that sentiment in more words, I would have to write a whole book. But I just say, ‘feel into your delicious self,’ ‘feel into your juicy self.’”

But this embodiment didn’t come naturally for Suau, like many of us. It took work.

While working through a significant breakup, Suau turned to art and creative expression to heal and process what had happened. Through this processing, she created Tiny Fckn Pix, a series of miniature erotic drawings framed on oversized canvases.

“I knew I loved the sensual touch and the erotic…But it was my secret, so I drew them teenie tiny,” said Suau. “My work inspired me to do a lot more research and go to workshops and conferences and read the books and have the hard conversations.”

Through this self-education, Suau’s work grew, and she grew alongside it. She discovered the full potential she contained and leaned fully into her own juicy and delicious self. Eventually, she realized she had the tools, experience, and teaching ability to guide others on their healing journey.

Suau’s approach to this expression connects the body and the mind through ritual and creativity. Perhaps this ritual is sitting down with an art project, journaling, meditation, and breathing into your body. Additionally, there are many ways to incorporate cannabis into these rituals or to use cannabis to make intercourse a ritual in its own right. For example, using THC- or CBD-infused lubes, oils, or suppositories by yourself or a partner or taking a moment to inhale or ingest before self-pleasure and partnered sex presents a moment to take those deep breaths and connect the mind to body.

“If we can be creative in our expression, as in, we can express ourselves in the arts so that we can feel creative AND when we feel free in our sexuality. Those two together mean we’re fully expressed. We’ve given ourselves so much permission to be alive that it’s like a life orgasm.”

This pleasure, explains Suau, “reverberates throughout the realm. If you have kids, your kids will be happier because you feel good. Coworkers – everybody. Everyone is affected in a positive way.”

Feeling into your juicy, delicious self takes work, though. It’s not just about having a lot of good sex. It’s about facing the trauma, shame, and pain preventing us from loving ourselves fully. Through self-reflection, education, and emotional healing, we unlock this capacity within ourselves.