Which do you use?
Cannabis & CBD
How do you consume?
Edibles, Beverages
How long have you been using these products?
1-5 years
What made you seek out these products? Was there a specific situation?
After the traumatic birth of my twins in 2022, I turned to alcohol to cope with postpartum depression and anxiety and—at the time—undiagnosed ADHD. Despite efforts to help from my husband and mother, my drinking only escalated and my mental health deteriorated.
But I knew something had to change. So I eventually sought therapy and explored alternatives to alcohol. This brought me to medical cannabis. Initially, I was skeptical due to past negative experiences. But with little to lose, I decided to give it a try. I obtained my medical cannabis card and began using edibles. Long story short, cannabis helped me remove my dependency on alcohol.

Cannabis became a healthier alternative, making me a more present and patient parent. When
social situations arose, like a summer barbecue, I turned to cannabis beverages instead of

What hesitations or concerns, if any, did you have before starting?

Due to past experiences, such as painful paranoia and increased anxiety, I always had negative connotations with cannabis. So I was hesitant to try it again. However, upon my own research, I came to learn about the medicinal benefits of the plant and how, when dosed properly, cannabis can actually (and does) improve my anxiety and eradicate my dependency on alcohol.

What is the biggest change you’ve noticed since using these products?
Cannabis has not only helped me unwind but also improved my overall health. I’ve lost 40 pounds, my skin looks better, and I no longer experience memory loss. Even my relationship with my husband has improved because we don’t fight as much. Before I was diagnosed with ADHD, my alcohol abuse increased my anxiety and depression. Cannabis allows me to relax my nervous system without worsening my mental health.

Turning to cannabis also helped me realize my entrepreneurial passion and start my business, Cali Sober Mom. I saw the opportunity to launch Cali Sober Mom as part of a bigger purpose. With my career not being at risk, I’m immensely grateful that I can step up and be a safe voice and resource for those who might feel like they have to be closeted about their cali-sober and alcohol-free lifestyle choices. Speaking out about alcohol-free alternatives and advocating for cannabis reform in my home state of Louisiana and beyond is all part of putting in the work to make this world a better place for our children and future generations.

Tell us your routine for how/when you use these products.
Typically, I enjoy edibles and beverages. Instead of a glass of wine in the evening, I’ll have a cannabis beverage. Or instead of having an alcoholic seltzer at a backyard BBQ, I’ll have a cannabis-infused seltzer.

What are your go-to brands or strains (of cannabis)?
My go-to cannabis beverage brands are Cali Sober, Crescent Canna, and Louie Louie, a locally cultivated and produced cannabis beverage brand in my hometown of New Orleans, LA.

What advice do you have for anyone looking to use cannabis or CBD products?
Start low and slow. There are great cannabis-infused beverages that have 2.5 mg per can. Typically, within 15 minutes, you’ll start to feel the effect, and the buzz will be gone in about 90 minutes or so. So have one, and see how you feel before drinking too many at a time. Then, stack up the feeling you want. This means having one drink, sitting in the feeling for a while, and then once you’re comfortable, having another, if you desire. This way, you can stack on more milligrams at a pace that suits you. Stacking will also help you learn your ideal dosage.